June 22, 2024
Welcome to the web site of the Flippin’ Sweet Memorial Disc Golf Tournament, where you can get information about the upcoming tournament on June 22, 2024. The tournament is in its 10th year, and is always held at Thornfield Disc Golf Course in Stilwell, Kansas, just off 167th & Metcalf. Conceived with the idea of raising funds for suicide prevention and suicide awareness, it is held in the memory of Tom Karlin and Grant Gottschalk, lifelong friends that took their lives in their teens. Tom and Grant loved the game of disc golf and the people that play it. Nothing would please them more than to know that they threw a disc golf tournament where their fellow disc golfers had a good time.
2024 TOURNAMENT | June 22, 2024
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A HUGE Thank you to all of our sponsors, players, and volunteers for another successful tournament! Especially to Josh, Bill, Charles, and Lee. Check back here or our Facebook page for results, pictures, etc. I hope everyone had a wonderful time!!!
10th Annual Tournament
The 10th annual Flippin’ Sweet Memorial Disc Golf Tournament will be held at Thornfield Disc Golf Course. This year we will only have one round in the morning, but you get to choose if you want to play singles or doubles. If you play the tournament from year to year, you know that it’s one of the best courses around, and you can’t play the course unless you’re participating in a charity disc golf tournament. The course is only part of what makes tournament day special. There are tons of giveaways, a great players bag, lots of beverages (Martin City is providing their fine products again this year), snacks, lunch, and several throwing challenges. You'll be glad you did!

If you don’t play disc golf and want to be involved, we are always looking for volunteers! You can sign up for a few hours or all day. You will get a tournament t-shirt, lunch, beverages, and meet some amazing people!!! Sign up at the link below, and we will be in touch with your assignment. Please contact us at flippinsweetdiscgolf@gmail.com with any questions. We will need the following:
7:00 am-9:30 am | 10 volunteers
Set-up, Registration, Player Pack distribution, etc.
8:30 am-12:00 pm | 4 volunteers
Adult beverage hole, Money hole
11:00 am-1:30 pm | 10 volunteers
Lunch set-up, distribution, clean-up, tear down
If you don’t play disc golf and want to donate to the cause, no problem! We need tournament sponsors too!!! For a $200 donation, your company logo will have a spot on the tournament t-shirt, have a sign placed on the course the day of the event, and be added to all of our social media campaigns. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated, and all donations are tax deductible. Please click on the link below to donate.
If you don’t play disc golf and want to donate to the cause, no problem! We need tournament sponsors too!!! For a $200 donation, your company logo will have a spot on the tournament t-shirt, have a sign placed on the course the day of the event, and be added to all of our social media campaigns. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated, and all donations are tax deductible. Please click on the link below to donate.
If you are interested in donating gift cards or prizes for the winners, or perhaps smaller, promotional items (such as magnets, pens, key chains, etc.) for the players packs, contact susanmitts@gmail.com. Whether it’s a monetary donation or an in kind donation, ALL donations are tax deductible.
Thank you to our sponsors over the years...our list keeps growing!
Plus an endless list of neighbors, new friends, old friends and family in which we will never be able to thank enough… it truly takes a village.
Thornfield Disc Golf Course was built by Suburban Lawn & Garden in early 2008 on the scenic property owned by Bill and Bo Stueck. The only private course of its kind in Kansas City, Thornfield was designed by Dennis Vahsholtz and Bill Paulson. The Stueck's vision in building the course was to host fundraising tournaments for local non-profit organizations. The course is not open to the public, and can only be played as part of a fund-raising tournament.
Thornfield, as a course, is a privilege to play. It doesn’t have concrete tee pads, but it does have a course presentation that you’ll be sure to remember. Playing a mix of technical tunneling shots, shots over water, and plenty of elevation changes make Thornfield a challenge. Many of our players participate each year and make the tournament and chance to play Thornfield a special day in their summer. When the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) held world championships in Kansas City in 2009, Thornfield was chosen as the course to host the world championship final round.

Following is a list of other amazing, local courses for you to play. Check out kcdiscgolf.org for details on each course!
Bad Rock Creek | Liberty, MO
Blue Valley | Kansas City, MO
Hidden Valley | N. Kansas City, MO
Lake Shore | Pleasant Hill, MO
Kessler Park | Kansas City, MO
Swope Park | Kansas City, MO
Water Works | N. Kansas City, MO
Wilbur Young | Blue Springs, MO
Heritage Park | Olathe, KS Prairie
Center Park | Olathe, KS
Rosedale Park | Kansas City, KS
Shawnee Mission Park | Shawnee, KS
WYCO Park | Bonner Springs, KS
Lakeside Hills (Birdland) | Olathe, KS
Big Bull Creek | Edgerton, KS
The Flippin’ Sweet Memorial Disc Golf Tournament is an annual event to raise funds for suicide prevention and depression awareness. It’s organized by parents and friends of two young men who took their own lives while in their teens, and held in their honor. Tom Karlin and Grant Gottschalk were good friends who enjoyed playing disc golf and interacting with other players at local disc golf courses. Within 12 months between November 2011 and October 2012, both Tom and Grant were victims of mental depression, and then suicide. The ripple of anguish through the families and friends of these two caused parents of friends of the young men to seek some type of solution that would help keep others from experiencing that pain.
Susan Mitts’ son, Connor, grew up with Tom and Grant as a friend and sports team mate. Connor was also a disc golf player, and suggested that a disc golf tournament be held in Tom and Grant’s honor. Susan took Connor’s suggestion to heart, and organized several parents of the boys’ friends to put together a tournament, including Tom Gottschalk, father of Grant. Now, the tournament, in its eighth year, is organized annually by Susan and Tom. Attendees range from friends of suicide victims who play the tournament to help find a solution to the suicide crisis, and players from across the region who will jump at the opportunity to play disc golf at the Thornfield Disc Golf Course. Thornfield is a premier disc golf venue that has generously allowed Flippin’ Sweet to be played on that world-renowned course.


The Mitts Family Foundation was founded December 2016 to assist individuals and/or families dealing with economic or financial crisis; and support groups and agencies associated with suicide prevention, suicide awareness, and depression awareness.
Mitts Family Foundation
If you or someone you know is depressed and/or suicidal, please reach out to the following resources listed below. There are many resources available so PLEASE contact them!!! Remember, YOU are loved, YOU are important, and YOU are Special!!!
Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Al-Anon/Alateen Hope & Help for young people who are the relatives & friends of a problem drinker)
Child Abuse
Domestic Violence
Center for the Prevention of School Violence
Domestic & Teen Dating Violence) – loveisrespect | English
Domestic & Teen Dating Violence) – loveisrespect | Spanish
Domestic & Teen Dating Violence) – loveisrespect | TTY
Healing Woman Foundation (Abuse)
Human Trafficking
866.488.7386 | 24/7
Eating Disorders
Mental Health
1.800.786.2929 | 24/7
Sexual Assault
American Association of Suicidology | Web
American Foundation of Suicide Prevention | Web
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline